Just like Mexican food, Mexican Christmas traditions are fun, colorful, and simply delicious. Keep reading to learn more about Christmas traditions in Mexico, including the food served during the merriest season of the year!
It isn’t officially Christmas in Mexico until families break out their nacimiento, or nativity scene. Nacimientos can be as small as just three or four figurines, or ambitions and sprawling, recreating all types of details of everyday life in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth. Most Mexican families put up both a Christmas tree and a nacimiento every year. That’s when you know it’s Christmas!
What are posadas? As any Mexican will tell you, posadas are a lot of fun. The word “posada” means lodging, referencing the fact that the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph had to look for shelter the night Jesus was born. Posadas take place every year from December 16 through December 24. They are friendly gatherings where family, neighbors, and friends meet to pray, sing Christmas carols, and break a pinata!
Pastorelas are plays that recreate the adventure of a group of shepherds who travel to Bethlehem to witness the birth of Jesus. On the way there, they are confronted by the devil himself, who tries to prevent them from reaching Bethlehem. Some families organize pastorelas during their posadas (see above) and most schools perform one before the Christmas break.
Food is part of the most important occasions in Mexico, and Christmas is no exception to this rule. Some of the dishes that are almost synonymous with Christmas in Mexico include:
Carne asada
Bacalao y romeritos (salter cod and seepweed)
Pork leg
There are regional differences. For example, bacalao y romeritos is more common in Mexico city and surrounding areas than in the rest of the country. In northern states like Coahuila or Nuevo Leon, carne asada is a way of life, and this is evident during Christmas as well.
El Pollo Norteno: Christmas at Its Tastiest
Looking to enjoy Christmas at its tastiest? Contact El Pollo Norteno today!
Visit any of our four locations (Anaheim, Santa Ana, and Garden Grove), order online, get in touch through Facebook, or call 866-MI-POLLO to enjoy our authentic Mexican dishes: amazing chicken grilled to perfection over real Mesquite charcoal, caldo de pollo, flan, carnitas, carne asada, and more!