4th of July is only a couple of weeks away, and the traditional barbecue cookout party is a must-have during the weekend. However, adding a bit of variety to your menu will make your cookout party a memorable success, and the best way to achieve this is by adding chicken into the mix. We must be careful, though, when we are preparing and cooking chicken, since getting the recipe just try might take some time. That’s why we are sharing five useful tips that will help you make the best barbecue chicken.
One of the most important aspects to consider when barbecuing chicken is making sure it doesn’t come up too dry to enjoy. The best way to keep our chicken moist as it cooks is by putting a pan of water next to the coal. This way, we will keep the meat from getting too dry, and guaranteeing it has a nice texture when it is ready to eat.
Another common mistake we see when barbecuing chicken is putting it directly over the fire. We must make sure the flames are not hitting the meat directly and arranging the pieces of chicken by size can be a great way to avoid burning it. Try to keep the bigger pieces closer to the fire while the smaller ones would go further from the flames. Also, remember to grill it after you have rubbed the spices of choice on your chicken, but without adding any sauce yet.
As anyone who has experience with barbecue know, temperature can have a big impact on the way the meat tastes and cooks. When we are barbecuing chicken, we need to keep a temperature between 230° and 250°F. Make sure you open or close the vents of your grill as you need and add charcoal if the temperature starts to drop. Keep a thermometer at hand to ensure the temperature is right.
Slow cooking chicken when barbecuing is the best way to make sure we get the best results. A great tip for this is, after having cooked the chicken for 30 minutes, baste it with apple juice. Then, let it cook for 3 more hours, and don’t forget to keep basting it every 45 minutes.
Once the chicken is ready, you can baste the sauce of your choice. Once you’ve added the sauce, wait a couple of minutes before serving the meat. This will allow the sauce to glaze over the chicken, giving it the perfect texture of grilled barbecue chicken, and letting the flavor really sink into the meat. Once its done, you’ll be ready to enjoy one of the most delicious versions of barbecue chicken, ensuring your 4th of July weekend cookout become one for the books for all the right reasons.